Makongai - Post Script

We heard Sud Oest picking up their anchor at just the point we noticed that, even though our engine was on, our batteries weren’t charging. This is potentially a huge problem because, in spite of solar panels and wind generator, we do need the power of the engine to really keep the batteries safely topped up, especially if there is no sun or wind. The obvious first thing to check was the alternator and we were not unduly alarmed because Mike, with his usual presence of mind, had purchased a spare alternator some time ago. Boat electrics are our weakest area and we know that. We also know that Jonathon on Sud Oest was a bit of a whizz in that department. Mike shouted over to him (they have just got their anchor up and are sailing past for a final farewell) and without missing a beat they dropped their anchor again and Jonathon came over to help. A great help he was too, not only because he identified and solved things more quickly than we would have done but he is much more flexible than we are and so could fold himself into the various corners required to fit a new alternator. Another example of yachties just getting on and helping each other whenever needed, and of the wonderful community with whom we have been traveling this year. We would have done it in the end but with a great deal more time, effort and discomfort expended in the process. |