Another way of crossing the Atlantic
Tashi Delek
Mike & Carol Kefford
Tue 13 Sep 2011 17:57
Just along from us on the pontoon in Porto Santo was this tiny boat. You can just make out the (also quite tiny) owner standing behind it. This was Sven (of course, he was Swedish) Yrvind, famous in Sweden for his sailing exploits. This is the most recent of small boats that he has designed, built himself and then sailed. He was crossing the Atlantic too. Points to note – there is no engine. When there is no wind he skulls it using the large, single oar you can see at the back moved from side to side. He showed us his blisters. He lives on tinned sardines and muesli. This gem came from the Swedish couple on the boat moored next to us. He is in his seventies. Take a look at his website |