Destin Area to Orange Beach AL

Ambler Isle
V and S
Tue 14 Jun 2011 12:18
Awoke early, maybe becoming early risers after
all. This may be the last sandy anchorage, so we let the anchor chain all
the way out to clean it. Then we checked the air conditioning: the
forecast was heat indexes 105-109 degrees today. We rarely use the air
conditioning, preferring to acclimate to the heat slowly so we can continue to
enjoy the outdoors. We never use it at night as the temperatures drop to
the low 70s. Restricting the generator use to 2 hours in the morning,
and 2-3 hours at night saves diesel fuel, wear and tear on the generator
and noise abuse. Lastly we washed the sea mist off the windshield,
weighed anchor and headed west. This is our first ICW run in a long
time. Similar to running the river, it requires close attention at all
times. The channel was bordered by rows of green and red buoys
and markers that reached out as far as the eye could see. At Navarre
Beach, we noted a big new city dock across from a Winn Dixie Market.
We needed nothing, but was good to know. There was also a Waffle House
there, and that set the menu for our breakfast. We'd enjoy sweet potato
waffles with pecans. The bay was dotted with houses on both sides and flat
calm. The route was so straight, only minor corrections were
required. There was no other boat traffic as the party goers from
yesterday went back to work, or stayed home to recuperate from all the
fun. Approaching Pensacola Bay the waterway opened up and deeper, so
we set up the chairs on the bow and took ice water, towels, and the auto pilot
remote control to enjoy the view. Past the Pensacola Inlet it narrowed
down again so we went in to consult the chartplotters. We continued on
past rows and rows of beach houses. Perdido Pass in Orange Beach was
opened in 1906 by citizens who dug through the narrow spit of land with picks
and shovels to the Gulf of Mexico. Before this they had to use Pensacola
Pass 15 miles to the east. We got to the cut, but turned back to the
northwest heading for Johnson Cove. The intersection is shallow and the
tide roars through the narrow pass. To add more interest, a bridge
connects the tow sections of land. We entered our cove and anchored in
12'. Valt did not like the position, so we re-anchored a bit farther from
the commercial docks. The anchor set immediately in mud. The cove
was busier than we remembered, jet skis, wake boats, even tour boats. We'd
spend the morning doing chores, then dinghy into the town for a look
I have a warning for those I send emails to. I
received an email from a friend and there was a link it. When I opened the link,
it was to a Canadian Pharmacy site that I know is a major spam operation.
I closed it immediately, but have learned they may have left something on my
computer that will send this same infected link to everyone in my email address
book. My friend had been hacked! So, if you receive an email from me
telling you to feel great or to lose weight and listing a website link, do not
open it. It is not from me. Delete it completely from your
computer and save yourself grief.