Georgetown Days

Ambler Isle
V and S
Sat 18 Apr 2009 21:23
There was much to-do when I showed up for the dance wearing my red high heeled Crocs. I'd bought them at the Shady Grove Marina in Soddy Daisy, TN, near Chattanooga at the start of our trip. My toenails were carefully polished in the exact same shade as the shoes. Although Crocs are usually very casual rubber shoes, sandals, clogs, etc., these sported a 4" chunky heel, and a 1/2" platform toe sole. (This made me 4" taller, but only felt like 2 1/2".) This was the weekly BBQ at Hamburger Beach Club, and instead of the live band, a DJ was in charge of the music. It was still fun: a night out.
Next morning, we went to the beach for a long walk. We met a couple from France, and although she did not speak English, and my high school French is long forgotten, we seemed to communicate pretty well. Later we met up with a couple who left Alaska two years ago. What a story they had.
We returned to the boat, packed up the computer and toted it to St. Francis Resort, where I could buy 85 minutes of wi-fi internet access for $2.00. What a deal. So I downloaded a big batch of photos and they were on the blog site in less than a minute. The satellite phone connection would have taken maybe an hour to transfer so many photos.
Back aboard the "Amber Isle", we leisurely made preparations for dinner here with Mick nod Mary Steiner from "Escargo". They were old neighbors when we lived in Lake Orion, Michigan. Another fine Bahamas day.