Big Sailfish, Catch and Release

Ambler Isle
V and S
Wed 8 Apr 2009 20:04
April 6, 2009
We left rum Cay and the seas were fine. Valt rigged the fishing lines
outside the back of the boat, and in no time bagged mahi. At one time we
had three fish on! Amazingly, we brought all three in. Usually they tangle
the lines, or break free before we can get them in. Satisfied withour
catch, I thought fishing was done for the day. Until I heard the sing of
the reel and Valt saying, "Fish on!" Reeling it in, he knew it was not
another mahi. Too big, too much fight. When the fish leaped out of the
water, we saw a pointed nose, was it a tuna? No, it turned out to be a 6'
Sailfish. It was beautiful. After a 20 minute fight, it was on the swim
platform. It became very docile as Valt gently removed the hook from it's
mouth. It even allowed him to lift it for a picture. When we set it free,
it stayed by the boat for a moment, then slowly swam off. I am sure it was
wondering what just happened.
Elated, we continued on to Georgetown Harbour, back to our spot at the
Monument. The winds were already kicking up, but not bad. We anchored and
had a quiet evening at home.