Having a great run to Minerva

Moxie - Beck Family Adventure
Mike, Denise, Asia and Aranya Beck
Mon 27 Oct 2014 09:08
We are having a great run to Minerva, we gave moxie a good bottom scrub before we left and with wind just aft of beam are averaging over 8kts boat speed in 15 to 20 ESE and 1.5 metre sea with the odd bump. Wind has eased off a little but we are still making good speed and will be in Minerva by 4am and wait for daybreak to enter.
Ideally we'd like to spend 2 or 3 days there but perhaps we should go on wed or thurs. 3m Long period swell is expected later this week and thats not usually too uncomfortable at sea for us, being underway might be better than conditions inside Minerva when it arrives.
Big mahi mahi landed this arvo on the big lure my dad gave us, tho chicken was already underway for supper, actually the chicken was really good and makes a change. Sunday saw about 8 boats leave Tonga through the day, we were probably last out at 5pm. For the first time ever it seems, we are seeing a succession of boats appear on the horizon ahead and disappear over the horizon behind us. Like it!
Mike, Denise, Asia and Aranya Beck
SV Moxie