AO day 4
Moxie - Beck Family Adventure
Mike, Denise, Asia and Aranya Beck
Thu 21 Nov 2013 16:46
Motoring 5.5 kts 237t wind 5 knots ESE
All good on ship Moxie, we are now in the tropics having southed the 23.5 degree Tropic of Cancer. Brian sighted another yacht this morning but no radio contact achieved. sat coms are back after being out for 12 hours or so still trying to get the hf receiver working with various combos of aerial, earth. Tried single watches last night with me sleeping in cockpit, much better for crew. Jenny entertained with aerobics in the cockpit yesterday, Brian seems to be over the hump and well for the last 2 days. Girls dragged out clarinets for a bit. Denise feeding us all fantastically, Brian & jenny cooked stompot and tuna last night. Yep, all you guys on dirt can see the other yachts and so could we but the cost would be crippling over satellite Internet, radio net does broadcast positions so we need the hf radio working for an update.
Small dorado landed last night, Brian and Jenny are making ceviche for lunch, raw fish, onion, herbs and lemon. Still one meal of tuna left too, was a 4 meal fish. Really hot and sunny and calm today but no wind - keep going south!