Xmas special
Moxie - Beck Family Adventure
Mike, Denise, Asia and Aranya Beck
Sun 22 Dec 2013 18:27
Well it's almost Christmas time although it hardly feels like it, we are in Martinique, a French island in the Caribbean. Martinique is actually one of the larger and more civilised Caribbean islands but that does not mean shopping malls and high rises. We are in Le Marin, having arrived from Lanzarote in the Canary Islands a week ago after a 3000 mile, 25 day trip across the Atlantic Ocean.
In Le Marin there is no main street to speak of, no christmas lights, no Santa grotto, no one selling xmas trees or even wrapping paper or cards, even the supermarkets are low key to the extreme on Christmas. As well of course without television or a letterbox we are not inescapably bombarded with advertisements, so I'm wondering what is Christmas? Well, for me this year it's a time to make a small effort to acknowledge my many family, friends and frolleagues, a prompt to exchange well wishes and greetings and to stand back and admire my 3 beautiful girls and be happy.
So Merry Xmas everyone with lots of love from Mike, Denise, Asia and Aranya, take a little smile from us all and pass it around.