Atlantic Odyssey day 2
Moxie - Beck Family Adventure
Mike, Denise, Asia and Aranya Beck
Tue 19 Nov 2013 20:52
Noon position 25.32.35n 17.16.07w 19 nov 2013
No fishing today as still getting through yesterday's tuna, dinner for 6 x 3. Sighted another yacht this morning but nothing since. Parasail or went up at about 11pm last night, fairly light winds and slowish progress of around 6 knots, could do with a bigger spinnaker although offloading half our our junk would probably do more for performance, Moxie in cruising mode is a heavy cat and heavy cats are slow.
Sea much much calmer today, Everyone is well except perhaps when school is mentioned. Chucked up (no pun) a new aerial for the hf receiver so hopefully will get the rally net tomorrow. Joint watches continue until Jenny and Brian are up to speed and comfortable, I am looking forward to a decent sleep when we step into a four watch routine soon.
Much hilarity today playing pictionary/charade game with the kids, in Germany and Holland the actions describing an elephant look like someone drowning, hold your nose and wave one hand around.