Destiny, Lanzarote

Moxie - Beck Family Adventure
Mike, Denise, Asia and Aranya Beck
Tue 12 Nov 2013 08:53
Nov 12 2013
28.57.75N 013.32.36W
We are currently sitting in the marina Lanzarote which is under
construstion, facilities are portacabin style and it’s a dusty noisy place to
be. But we are happy, as part of the Odyssey rally deal we get 7 days here
for free, for that price we can put up with a few inconveniences and we are
being treated pretty well, it’s a small enough group to feel like a commmunity
of sailors.
There are 20 boats on the rally, we all leave on the 17th and head for
Martinique (2600 nautical miles on he rhumb line but actually we will sail
nearly 3000 because the best trade winds are not on the direct path).
We have crew! My cousin Jenny and her partner Brian have joined us
and are busy helping with the preparations and attending all of the pre rally
seminars along with us. The kids are having a blast, there are TONS of
other little people around, Asia has found herself surrogate mother for a week
to the cutest wee red haired Irish girl, Moxie hosted about 10 kids last night
for trampoline practice. Hectic, noisy, friendly, stressful, busy it’s all
going on.
There was a welcome reception held a couple of days ago, free beer!
Anyway Denise was cornered by some friendly chap called Michael Thurston off of
an Aussi flagged boat, in the conversation our home town Otaki was raised, OK so
he’s been to Otaki – small world. Actually went been to Otaki in 1976 and
he went there and bought a yacht. So this is the part where I nearly
passed out, Otaki has a beach but no port, no marina, it’s not the yachting
capital of New Zealand, and although being only 7 years old I knew exactly which
boat he bought (Riptide), the address is was at 142 Mill Road, and the great man
that built, raced and owned her and who inspired me to do what I am doing now,
Douglas Beck – my Grandfather! I still cannot believe it, my pulse
quickens every time I think about it. Grandpa, he’s sending me a message
from beond, what a destiny, I’m so happy (and teary eyed right now).
![]() This is me and Michael Thurston holding a photo of Riptide, Michael was the
man that bought her from Grandpa! I was overwhelmed with emotion when I
learnt this, still am. He sold Riptide in 1984 and now has a boat called
Drina, he is on the same rally with us.
He’s given me a few photo’s of Riptide post fitout and I will get those up
on the blog.
AMAZING to meet him such a small world in the boating community. All
going well with our preps.
We’ll be getting a tracking device so everyone will be able to see our
progress as we cross, I’ll post the details but it will also be available via
the Odyssey website
Gotta go get my crew out of bed, lots to
do! |