Navassa Island

Blue Sky's Voyage
George & Michael
Mon 6 Apr 2009 23:55
Hello Friends
"18:24.27N 75:01.57W"
Just a quick blog to exploit the fact that you've
probably never heard of where we are now (about 90 miles S of Guantanamo Bay,
which you probably have heard of).
John and Trisha arrived on schedule but we found
the DR a bit wearing as they are not really geared up to private yachts and
treat every arrival as though you're a freighter. This means you get a full
rummage every time you stop - a little tedious after a while. And though the
Dominican people were delightfully friendly and smiling, the port officials were
a rude and incompetent bunch - so there, we said it! So by all means visit the
Dominican Republic, but do so by air...
So we leave the DR behind and having carefully
avoided Haiti (not safe according to our insurers) we've been sailing for more
than 2 days and should have reached Cuba by now. Sadly the winds had not read
the script and we've been making jolly progress at 2-3 knots hmmmm. Anyway, off
the W end of Haiti the winds have packed up altogether so we've motored up to
Navassa Island (US but uninhabited) where we're parked for probably a couple of
nights until the winds return. Fortunately we have plenty of anchor chain - it's
27 metres deep in the somewhat exposed 'anchorage'.
But cocktails have been finished, John is now
preparing pizza and the first bottle of red has been opened, so worry ye not,
we'll survive.
no pics with this blog (imagine a heap of desolate
rock) but we'll be in Cuba soon.
Best Wishes
George, Michael, Trisha and John