We Have Wind

Blue Sky's Voyage
George & Michael
Sat 2 Dec 2006 12:58
Hello Friends
"21:41.8N 29:07.0W"
Nothing whatever to do with George's
homemade chilli, but serious trade winds from the east. So we're belting along
at 7, 8 or even 9 knots with a rather lumpy sea, but I think that will lengthen
as the wind persists over the weekend.
A few moments ago we had a bite from an
interesting looking fish, but owing to the high boat speed, we reeled it in just
over half way before it got away, probably with a sore mouth.
Not too much else to report, so we'll start
an occasional series called "Meet the Crew"
Number One
Ben Duffin
Ben sailed with us on the Summer Holiday
2005, he's from Ayrshire and has lived there all his life, sailing whenever
possible with his Dad on the family Elizabethan 30 out of Troon and also with
his uncle. Ben graduated from Edinburgh University last Summer with a degree in
Linguistics, he is currently considering whether to continue his studies with a
PhD on his return to the UK.
This year, Ben joined Blue Sky in Mallorca
in September and looked after the boat while George & Michael returned to
the UK on family business for a few days. He bought a guitar named Lucy while in
Mallorca and serenades us from time to time.
Ben likes to think of himself as the boat's
resident Philosopher, reading Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky and other choice works. The
rest of the crew are beginning to think that his slight hold on reality is
starting to slip..... will he make it to the Caribbean?
We were going to put a photo here, but as
Ben admits himself, he doesn't photograph well, so I guess you'll have to search
the archives for a suitable image.(23 Oct blog in red T shirt is our favourite).
Favourite colour : Ultramarine
Favourite Carol: In the Bleak Midwinter
(quite a lot of that in Scotland)
Ben's message to the Blog Readers: "Rules
for Life: don't fall in any holes; beware of dragons and remember that Breakfast
is the most important meal of the day."
Must go as George is trying to serve
Best Wishes
George, Michael and the team.