Chased by Border Patrol!
Moonstone of Aberdour
Allan and Claire Foster
Sun 25 Jan 2015 12:42
We were away at first light yesterday morning and headed from Montserrat to
St Kitts passing on the way the barren island of Redonda followed by
Nevis. Up to 1900 Redonda was mined for phosphate but as we sailed by we
couldn’t see any signs of the old workings or living areas.
Arriving south west of Nevis we were hailed by the island’s border patrol
fast launch who made it clear they wanted to board us......I shouted back “no”
as we were under full sail broad reaching at 7.5 knots and also as we were only
two crew it could be dangerous. In the end they agreed to back off and
said they would return when we were making our approach into Basseterre .
We didn’t see them again and cleared into Basseterre’s Custom’s and Immigration
facility at the cruise liner dock. The anchorage there was pretty
grim due to the heavy swell that made Moonstone roll heavily. Having
got our passports stamped and paid all our dues of EC$60 (£15) we lifted the
anchor and headed to a nearby more sheltered anchorage and are sat here having a
quiet glass of wine! |