8. day on the Atlantic

Familien Svellingen på Seiltur
Tom og Christine Svellingen
Fri 14 May 2010 18:49
Position 30:48N 52:12W
Bronco riding can get tiring really really fast,
catching hold everywhere you can at every movement, thinking out every ove you
are going to make, judging the coming moves of maggy as she challenges the waves
everything takes three times longer to do so it was nice nice nice when it
all started calming down in the late afternoon and life could get back to 'norml
onboard.By morning yesterday it was a calm after a starry starry
night-the kind everyone dreams about- thick tropical nights with lots and lots
of stars.
Yesterday the sky was already getting light in the
east by 3am. It's magic to watch the stars disappear as the horizon slowly gets
lighter. If Tom and karen had been looking at the right place at the
right time we might even have had a green flash as the sun kissed
the morning hello. No clouds on the horizon. A bright beautiful start to a
new day.
By mid morning it was motoring time and the ocean
was calm enough to see all the portugese man of wars float by like lillac
colored halfmoons. Charming above the surface-no one wants to swim anymore with
them around. With the autopilot on duty all day as we motor sailed everyone
relaxed. Late afternoon we had a guacamole party in the cockpit (skipper was
sleeping...and doesn't like avocados anyway. The sunset was absolutely
spectacular with the liquid silver water, pastel colors, at times we couldnt see
the difference between the horison and sky in the trolllike atmosphere.
Everyrone was spellbound-no one wanted to leve the cockpit. Stars above-stars
below-the glowing florescence made it looked like we sailed through stars and as
the winds slowly started coming up by 1 am we were floating along on
'butterfly' sails after 16 hours of motoring. An absolutely magical
/Karen |