Nísos Angistri (Aykistri) - Corinth (via Corinth Canal)

Saturday 3rd September – Nísos Angistri (Aykistri) – Corinth (via Corinth Canal) 37:56.475N 22:56.174E
This morning we left the small harbour at twilight (06.45). There was no wind but the swell coming down from the north suggested there was quite a bit of wind further up. We bounced on and about half way towards the Corinth Canal the wind filled in on the nose – first F3 and then F4 (having looked at the forecast, although not wonderful, today was forecast to be better than the next few days for this trip). We kept plugging on and although the wind stayed steady the swell eased as we closed on the land.
We tied up alongside the quay by the Control Centre at Istmia, the eastern entrance to the canal, around 10.25. Out of the wind and in the lee of the land it was hot and still in the mid-morning sun. Having passaged the Canal before, our details were already on the system and the paperwork and payment was quickly completed – sadly we don’t get a frequent flyer discount.
We were told some boats were on their way down the canal but we could expect to go as soon as soon as the way was clear ~ 25 minutes. Whilst we waited a coach party appeared by the quay side – one of the party, a Canadian lady, came down and spoke to us; they were on a 4 week tour of Turkey and Greece and were waiting for their tour boat and would then travel through the canal and on to the islands in the Gulf of Corinth.
When the hydraulic bridge dropped, out came their tour boat from the canal and tied up alongside. Whilst it was loading up with its passengers, the controller called out of the Control Tower window to us and indicated for us to get underway and start our transit. We promptly cast off and headed on our way – as we entered we had the whole canal to ourselves J
Once we were well on our way, the tour boat finished taking on its passengers and followed us in and very slowly caught us up. When we exited the canal the wind had eased compared to the other side but was still against us so we bore away the short distance to Corinth Yacht Harbour to wait for a more favourable wind.
Corinth Canal
Corinth Yacht Harbour
Corinth © Pyxis 2011