Messolonghi (Gulf of Corinth)

Friday 24th September – Messolonghi (Gulf of Corinth) 38:21.668N 21:25.004E
The forecast was not looking so good with rain on its way, so we decided to change out the mosquito nets in the cockpit for the windows.
Just as we started, Gavin turned up to ask for help moving Blue Elephant as he had spotted a berth he wanted to move to, so it was a quick wiggle round to his pontoon and Blue Elephant was moved within minutes. We left him tidying lines and came back to finish fitting the window panels and have some breakfast.
After yesterdays rest, we planned another trip for today, this time heading east along the coast to see some of the places that we have discovered by boat and show the P’s where we have been staying on our travels.
As we left the marina, the days sightseeing started with a pause at the fishing harbour just outside the gates – there was a car hanging over the harbour wall with its nose down in the water.
Messolonghi: Fishing shelter
After speculating how it got there, we went into town and Richard spent ages in the Post Office asking after a package that Rosi and Otwin (Enya) had been expecting to be delivered. There is a ticket system but the queue is usually long and some transactions seem to take forever; many people come in and take a ticket before heading off to do their shopping safe in the knowledge they will be back in time to resume their place in the queue. Sadly the package had still not arrived so we left town shortly after.
Messolonghi: Patraikos Gulf
Messolonghi: Korinthiakos Gulf
Our first stop was Návpaktos. We drove up the narrow, winding road to the castle (much easier this time by car as last time we had walked up the steep hillside on foot). The sun was out and the view was great. We stopped on the way down the hill at a café and had a coffee looking down on the small harbour and out across the Gulf of Corinth. We then went down to the small harbour and had lunch sitting on the harbour wall before heading on towards Trizónia.
Messolonghi: Návpaktos
We had hoped to sail up to Trizónia with the P’s for an overnight stay but the fresh easterly winds forecast all week were not going to allow it.
When we arrived at Glifada, the small village on the mainland opposite Trizónia from where the small ferry runs across to the island, the weather had become decidedly grey and overcast and the wind was definitely fresh. In the small harbour the ferry was bouncing around in the swell. With the next ferry not due for ¾ of an hour we decided to carry on along the coast.
We called next at Galaxidhi, another pretty little port, before heading the short way further on to Itéa to meet up with Rosi and Otwin on Enya. We had coffee with them and chatted for a while before heading back.
Messolonghi: Galaxidhi
On the way back we stopped at Glifada again as the wind was beginning to ease to see about visiting Trizónia. Unfortunately we had just missed the ferry and so we carried on back to Messolonghi.
We came back via town and picked up a take away for dinner – we introduced the P’s to pitta gyros and I had a vegetable burger.
Back at the marina there was news that we had missed a fire closer to home. This time it had been on the common land just behind the marina and the fire services had come through the marina to get access to put it out.
After dinner the wind began to build and there was promise of a thunderstorm so it was a case of checking all the lines before bed.
Messolonghi: Itéa © Pyxis 2010