Saturday 15th December – Lagos 37:06.610N 8:40.494W
This morning I decided to give the towels a wash and was pleased to have them done and on the line by noon in blazing sunshine that promised to have them dry before sundown.
As I was on a roll, I decided to also wash our clothes. However, there then followed one of those Ealing comedy moments; I was filling the washing machine using the hosepipe and took my eye off it for only a moment – it sprung to life, leapt out of the machine, sprayed the galley and half the saloon, then it turned on me, in my face and then down my front, drowning me from head to toe before I could wrestle in into the sink!
I scurried up into the cockpit and checked no-one was around before getting out of the wet clothes and Richard mopped up with good old kitchen roll whilst I stood there trying to drip dry very quickly – as he said, he could hardly pass me a towel as they were on the line, wet!
Anyway, instead of giving up, I continued and finished the washing whilst Richard went to Wandering Dragon to help them with a jigsaw – their cockpit awning was being difficult.
Richard then spent the rest of the day finding storage space for his tools and techie bits, and then helping on some cleaning around the boat, so we are pretty well tuckered out again and have decided on an early night.