Sant Elm, Mallorca

Thursday 24th July – Sant Elm, Mallorca 39:34.388N 2:21.087E
It has to be said that the last couple of nights in this mooring have been a bit rolly – last night particularly so, making it difficult to sleep. This bay is open to the southwest and guess where the swell has been rolling in from!
About 1am we felt we were rocking more than usual – implying us being beam on to the swell. When we went to investigate we found the reason why – the neighbouring buoy is very close and the buoy had got between our stern and our dinghy trailing from the back of Pyxis; the dinghy had snagged the buoy and was holding us broadside L We have had our suspicions about how close the buoy was – certainly far too close for two 15m boats to be comfortable.
We awoke somewhat blearily and in need of sleep. Peter and Richard went off for a baguette and pan au chocolat run. As we were settling down to breakfast we decided we didn’t want another boat turning up on the buoy next door that we had snagged last night and so decided to move to a free buoy with a bit more space around it, so breakfast was put on hold whilst we did battle with the boathook and morning breeze.
The rest of today we have tried to rest a bit – getting some sun and reading some book. The fresher wind today has made for some interesting parking manoeuvres as boats have come in to pick up buoys (particularly the motor boats J).
Early this evening Richard went off with Peter and Carola to visit Andraitx ‘town’ – sadly the highlights today were the winding road leaving Sant Elm and the Eroski supermarket at Andraitx; Andraitx is undergoing some major roadworks in the centre of town at the moment. Richard returned laden with provisions for the fridge and bilges.
Tonight we have eaten on board and are hoping the swell is kinder tonight; at the moment it is better than last night but still a little rolly.