Cala de Santa Ponsa, Mallorca - Cala Blava, Mallorca

Monday 18th August – Cala de Santa Ponsa, Mallorca – Cala Blava, Mallorca 39:29.149N 2:43.918E
Today, despite the late hour last night, we were up and away to try pastures new. We set sail promptly after leaving the harbour and sailed all the way to Palma in two tacks, one out and one back in to avoid the point.
As we entered Palma Bay the wind increased reaching a maximum of 24.7 knots and the swell was not good for peace of mind when towing a dinghy. As you will guess, this was not what was on the forecast – don’t know why Richard bothers to look at it really.
Anyway, we reached Palma in a really uncomfortable state and decided to try to find somewhere to take a break for a while before carrying on. Once inside the breakwater things were a little more peaceful. Unfortunately Palma is very busy, the marina we tried will not even allow you onto the reception pontoon without a reservation and others have no reception pontoon, just berths. In the end we decided to carry on but it was interesting to see Palma from the water, each time we have been before has been by car or train.
We made our way across the bay to Cala Blava which was in the lee of the land. As we crossed the bay the swell eased and when we entered the moorings the conditions were smooth, a big contrast.
Fortunately there were some free mooring buoys awaiting us so we were quickly able to pick one up and relax. We are staying here tonight and hope to get some sleep.
This evening the boats out for the day have left and there are only 4-5 yachts remaining. Behind us is the whole expanse of Palma Bay which gave a great backdrop for the sunset.
Cala Blava
© Pyxis 2008