Messolonghi (More cycle repairs)

Saturday 24th July – Messolonghi (More cycle repairs) 38:21.686N 21:25.020E
We had an aborted attempt to go to the supermarket this morning – the front tyre of my bike was flat. So Richard cycled to the bicycle shop in town instead and bought a couple of inner tubes. When he got back he changed the perished inner tube (he’s given up on trying to mend them). My bike has now had both inner tubes replaced this year so should be OK for a while but Richard’s bike still has an old one and this temperature seems to be wearing them out so we are keeping the other new inner tube ready-to-go.
Later, just as it was getting really hot, we cycled to the supermarket and went very slowly round the aisles, spending as much time as possible in the air-conditioned environment, hiding from the oven-like temperature outside.
Back at Pyxis we put all the groceries away and settled in the shade of the cockpit with a book – though Richard did venture out onto the foredeck to top up his tan for a short time late afternoon.
Richard made Chinese curry tonight, having searched out a recipe on the internet. It was very nice and thankfully there was a little breeze on deck this evening as we ate it to help cool us down. Once again it was over 30°C down below well into the evening.