
Karen & Richard
Tue 26 Apr 2011 22:58

Tuesday 26th April – Messolonghi

38:21.668N 21:25.004E


The wind continued strongly over night and we slept fitfully, the noise of the wind through the rigging was really quite loud.  Today it has strengthened further blowing a steady F6-7 most of the afternoon but the weather has remained warm and fair.


This morning I had to repair our ensign which was developing a hole from its battering in the wind (yes, Karen with a sewing needle), whilst Richard went into town to the bank and the phone shop.


This afternoon he decided to sort out our fuel situation rather than sit on the boat bouncing about in the wind and so cycled out to the nearest petrol station to get petrol for the outboard and generator.  When he returned, he decided to take a walk back to the petrol station with trolley and two large diesel cans.  It’s a long way so he was gone for quite a while, but the road is flat and quite scenic as it runs beside the lagoon – he reported that once inland a short way, the wind eased quite a bit, making the walk quite pleasant


This evening we went to Andreas’ for dinner and listened to some of the marina guys on their guitars – it was very late by the time we got back to Pyxis and the wind was still howling.