Messolonghi (Mesolóngion)

Saturday 3rd October – Messolonghi (Mesolóngion) 38:21.686N 21:25.005E
The weather has tried to cheer up during the day after the spectacular lightning storms offshore throughout the night; fortunately we escaped the worst of the wind and rain tucked up the canal in Messolonghi.
The threat of rain has kept us on board most of the day; we’ve been pottering around doing jobs and ‘on-watch’ for the rain, ready to close the hatches.
This evening we joined Cape for a meal in town. The restaurant we chose was one that looked quite busy and we were surprised to see that soon after we sat down, the place filled up. The food was good and inexpensive. By the time we left there was a bit of a queue and as soon as I stood up someone whipped away my chair to use on their table as new customers swooped down on the table; we obviously chose the right place.