Messolonghi (Washing)

Thursday 30th September – Messolonghi (Washing) 38:21.668N 21:25.004E
Today the weather resumed normal service; the sun came out, the temperature rose and this afternoon we had a pleasant breeze.
Sounds wonderful but, as it was the first nice day since my parents went back to the UK, it became a washing day and we have spent the day doing the laundry. Richard was up early and managed to get the drop on the washing machine for the first load. By the time we had sorted the next load there was already a queue – still it gave the first load time to dry. The rest we did using the little twin tub we have on board.
This evening we had a quick game of cribbage with Russell before dinner. We sat on Aqua Domus which is on a cradle up on the hard at the moment; from up on deck we had a great sunset looking down and out across the salt flats behind the marina.