Wednesday 17th December – Cagliari 39:12.064N 9:07.510E
Today it was raining once again – have I mentioned it has been very wet here? We spent the day cleaning up after last night and ‘spring cleaning’ ready for the P’s arrival tomorrow.
This afternoon was the first meeting of the Christmas committee; its next meeting is tomorrow.
This evening Richard put up the Christmas lights so now the outside of Pyxis is looking festive.
Tonight Cape invited us and Wandering Dragon to dinner and we enjoyed great wraps with bean and chicken fillings, followed by a super chocolate pudding.
After dinner we had a game of ‘Who’s in the bag?’ which is a sort of verbal charades where you have to get your team to identify as many famous people as possible in a race against the clock – the boys beat the girls but we’ll get them back on the re-match.