Derbyshire, UK - Grand Harbour, Malta

Wednesday 8th July – Derbyshire, UK – Grand Harbour, Malta 35:53.221N 14:31.217E
We arrived back at Pyxis just after 9pm after a marathon of travelling for the last two weeks…
When we left Malta we flew to the UK (Luton) and drove north to Derbyshire; we briefly visited the P’s before heading south to see R’s Mum. The weather was kind to us and we had warm sunshine most of the time. A few days later we were on a flight from Heathrow to Stockholm where we stayed for three days to attend Martin and Jessica’s wedding. The wedding was great with a chance to learn how Swedish wedding customs differ from the UK, and all the Swedish people we met in Stockholm were very friendly and helpful.
After flying back to Heathrow, the weather had broken up and there was heavy cloud. As we headed north to Derbyshire a couple of days later we had to drive through thunderstorms with incredible lightning flashes around us. We then flew back to Malta from Luton and straight back into the heat.
We feel like we have spent most of our time in the UK on the M1; however, being back in the UK did allow me to catch up on the tennis at Wimbledon.
Now we are back on Pyxis sitting in the cockpit in 32 degrees – unfortunately it has turned humid so it is less comfortable and we need to acclimatise again.