
John Oksholen & Marit Oksholen
Mon 25 Jan 2010 23:00
Vi kom til Dominica i går kveld etter en fin seilas
fra Martiniqe. I dag har vi vært på laaang tur rundt øya med bil. Hadde god
lunch på en veldig lokal rest.Fantastisk mat.
Sjåføren kjørte så det lukta svidd med en gammel Suzuki.
Vi seiler videre i morgen tidlig til en ny øy.
Regner med nett der også så da ken vi oppdatere igjen.
We came to Dominica last nigth, after another
lovely sailing from Martinique.
To day we have been sight-seeing around the island.
Had luch at at local Carib resaurant, with local Carib food.
Our driver was a nice gay, but his driving made us
a litlle bit nervous. It was an old Suzuki and we were all happy to arrive safe
and sound back to the boat.
We are sailing futher on to morrow, to another
nearby island. Hopefully we get wireless there, as well, so we can update