Day 8: Azores to the UK

48:35N 11:15W 207nm to go to the Isles of Scilly Today has been very dull with thick fog again all day. The wind is now behind us so we are sailing along nicely with
poled out yankee and main. The wind is between 15 and 20 knots but the
fog is not shifting, our book says above 15 knots it should clear but it’s not
working. L We are sailing along with the radar on constantly but so far
have only seen a couple of fishing boats. Once we reach the continental
shelf this evening we are likely to see a lot more fishing boats so will need
to start keeping a much closer lookout. As the depth drops from 3,000m to
100m there are apparently lots of fish. It is also likely to get much
choppier. We are sailing at over 6 knots which means we are scheduled
to arrive at The Scillies early Tuesday morning in the dark. As we don’t
know the approach well and it is very rocky we may need to stand off or slow
down until it gets light. We also don’t
want to arrive in thick fog. Can anyone let us know if it is forecast to
still be foggy on Tuesday morning in The Scillies? If so we may have to
abort and go straight to Falmouth which would be a real shame. They will
be our last taste of 'island living' before we return to the main land.
We've been on islands ever since we left Lisbon. Position at 18:00h UTC Sunday 24th July 2012 48˚35N 11˚15W COG/SOG:
068˚T / 6.5kts Wind: 280˚T
/ 18 kts |