Day 6: Azores to the UK
46:24N 16:23W 450nm to go to the Isles of Scilly After a blustery night with winds averaging 20 knots and
gusting up to 30 the wind finally died at 18.30 this evening and we are once
again motor sailing in 5 knots of breeze. The cloud cleared for a while today and we had some sunshine
but it is still very cold. It’s amazing how you can go from shorts and t
shirt to thermals, fleece and oilies over night. We’re having to get use
to shoes and socks for the first time in nearly a year. Suddenly we’re appreciating
living for so long in warmer climes and it makes you wonder why we choose to return
to the UK. There is not much else of excitement (or even non-excitement!)
to report today except that Alan made some date and walnut muffins this
afternoon. We are now well adjusted into our 6 hour watch keeping
system at night. Alan does the first six hours, usually from 2200h to
0400h and then I do 0400h to 1000h. Although 6 hours is a long time on
watch, it also means we get a good long proper sleep!! Position at 21.30h UTC Wednesday 22nd July 2012 46˚24N 16˚23W COG/SOG:
060˚T / 5.5kts Wind: 310˚T
/ 5.0 kts |