Moving Up The Fleet

14:02.31N 49:03.8W Saturday 11th December 2010 Since our last update 3 days ago we have had almost
constant squalls including strong winds, rain and very big confused seas.
This has been hard work as we’ve had to double up on watches and when we are
off watch it has been very difficult to sleep. The radar has been
great for tracking the squalls, especially at night and has been renamed the
‘raindar’. We have however been making fantastic progress and the last
two days have managed 163 miles each day. These conditions are when
Stella comes into her own and she handles them beautifully and with twin headsails
we are able to sail dead downwind unlike boats with main & jib. As a
result we have moved several places up the fleet and apparently had the best
VMG (effective miles to our destination) in our class yesterday!! This morning it brightened up and we have had great sailing
all day and the sea is settling a bit. It is great watching the waves as
we surf up and down them. They are bigger than the boat so in the big
ones the whole boat is pointing downhill at quite an angle which is scary but
exhilarating. It is still a bit rough to open any hatches so it is getting
a bit smelly down below although only Mary seems to notice. Cooking is
also a challenge as we roll so much and a few things have gone flying across
the saloon. Stocks are lasting well and we still have fresh apples,
oranges, onions, cabbage and tomatoes etc. We have just chucked the leeks
mainly because we decided no one really likes them anyway! We listen to the daily radio net on SSB where other boats
have been giving a profile of their crews. A few have announced they are
single and looking, so a bit of blind dating has been going on. We cannot
transmit but not wanting to miss out we have emailed one of the other boats
and have now officially put Roger up as an eligible unattached male and some of
the girls have said they are keen to meet him in St Lucia!!!!!! We now have only 691nm to go and if the winds continue we
are on schedule to arrive on 16th which means we should make the
parties. On the SSB they seem to think the main party is on the 16th
but we have emailed ARC twice to check and they still won’t comment.
This hasn’t stopped Mary recalculating our arrival time at several
different speeds several times a day as she dreams of the finish. |