Nearly heading south
43:15.880N 08:57.420W Sunday 19 September 2010 We left La Coruna at midday having taken on another 160 litres
of diesel. Like last time we had to wait 40 minutes because a British
motor boat moored right in the middle of the fuel pontoon, just to make sure there
was no room for anyone else to use the 2nd diesel pump. We motor sailed west to Corme, accompanied by 3 other yachts
which left La Coruna at the same time, one of which was Sjarmen, another ARC
boat from Norway. Our anchorage in Corme off a small beach was most delightful
and very sheltered. A world apart from busy La Coruna and hopefully a
taste of anchorages to come. The next morning (Monday 20/9) it was so beautiful and
peaceful we decided to delay our departure to Camarinas until early afternoon. The
guys on Sjarmen went for swim, but when Nords start complaining it’s too cold
Alan thought better of it and went ashore in the dinghy instead! By
midday, however, it was starting to get really hot for the first time!!! We’re now motoring (again!) in 2kts, (gusting 2.3kts)
to Camarinas. We will post photos in the next few days when we get some
wifi coverage having realised Vodafone is even more expensive than we
thought. |