Windy Wellington
Chris & Lyn Darch
Wed 22 Sep 2010 21:54
Hi Folks,
Since my last entry the wind has not stopped
blowing, we have had strong
north westers for the past three weeks, the only
lull is for a day when it switchs
to the south east and blows equally as hard, saying
that the northerlys have
bought warm weather from Oz and the thermals have
been cast off at last.
These winds however have bought colder
weather to the south Island, not
only have they suffered a quake but now the high
winds are ripping the remaining
bits down, the reconstruction phase is begining
though, much talk about the
historc buildings ! from the late 1800's and the
Art deco ones, the government
has appointed a Quake Zar to monitor the costs that
building companies will
be charging, this should be interesting as one
large conglomerate owens most
of the supply chain here, and one wonders how that
will be managed.
Expect your lamb to cost you more this Crimbo
from the supermarket the NZ
weather has taken a real toll on the birth
rate this year, as we are in the
lambing season and the weather has killed at least
a third of the new borns
so far, not good for exports, the beef market seems
to be holding up though.
If coalition governments here are anything to go by
you guys should be in for
some fun, the govenment here is basicly tory, with
far right party, and the
Mori party as supporters, the PR system gives no
government the overall
majority, but as the key to getting any legislation
through they hold the
whip hand, the Maori party has extracted better
settlement claims, these
hold the country back to an extent as they bleed
the national purse of
much need funds, some of the tribal settlements run
into hundreds of
millions in money and land, as to getting ride of
the Crown as head of
state, I dont think that will happen as the
alternative will negate the crowns
obligations to the treaty signed in 1840, the
problem with this treaty is
that there are two versions, one in Maori, and one
in English, this has
given rise to a whole industry on both sides of (
experts) who argue in the
treaty claims courts continuesly, yes I think the
european settlers do owe
a debt to the Maori who settled the land some one
thousand years earlier
but that has to have a limit, and as long as it is
kept open the claims will
continue with no closure to the treaty in sight,
and the latest fore bed and
seashore claim, this is a biggy as its all about
oil, and offshore gas deposits.
Its a mute point but there are no full
blooded Maori alive the last of them died in
the late 1800's, and the strange thing is the most
vocal of the political side arnt
even 50% and have equal blood ties to both sides of
the comunity, both white
and Maori, perhaps the lure of money has more to do
with the alegency to
which side of the fence you sit!.
The other side of the political alliance is far
right white with strong ties to big
buisness, and they are just as bad, we have had
most of the finance companies
go under in the past two years, taking most small
savers investments with them,
whilst they all sit in Fiji with no money,
but renting in 4000, dollar a week houses
on the beach, setting up new companies to do more
of the same, I think this time
thought some form of regulatory body will be set up
to prevent another fiasco, thats
the good thing about the internet, news travel much
fast, even though 90% of it is
rubbish !
Its no wonder that the poor old small
invester will jump back into the housing
market as a form of saving after the last grand
theft of there savings, the banks still bang
on about this being the wrong way to do things, but
there all owned by the Ozzies !
Anyway the yellow revalution approches, stats
say that the Asian population will have
passed the Maori claiments by 2025, long live
chairman Mou .....
Anyway Im off to the China revolutionary party
meeting, I know which side my breads
going to be buttered on ....
A Wind swept Noah..