Day three Panama to Galapogus
Chris & Lyn Darch
Wed 7 May 2008 16:11
Day Three 07/05/08
Hi Di Hi Campers,
A gloomy Wednesday morning , the
faverable wind finally left us last night while we were well into the horse
latitude's funnyly we had no horses to throw over the side , when
the wind came it was from the wrong direction , south ! we have to get
down to 2 Deg North before we can turn towards the Galapagos so its a motor to
windward for a few hrs prior to setting the sails on a port tack for the
Enchanted Isles .
Last night we had large glowing
phospsoresance patches circling the boat as we were becalmed , it turned out to
be whales and dolphins , we thought the aliens had com to get us !
The flag lowering ceremony of the Panamanian flag
was carried out yesterday , and not a tear was shed , it should have been as the
flag was black with the Colonic deposits of there bonfires , we will keep the
flag and have a sniff when we get depressed , it will be a guaranteed boost
that's for sure ! it has to be said though that all in all our Panamanian
experience has been pleasant after being irrigated colonicly first it could only
get better , we would put this on our list for further exploration , that is to
say the whole of Central America .
We also celebrated the flag lowering with a bacon
sarnie plus good old HP sauce .. yum yum !
Just to remind us it is with some dismay that we
find the Ecuadorians have renamed the isles Archipelago De Colon ,
so we are wondering if we are in for another
colonic run around , this Columbus guy has a lot to answer for I can tell you
I am mother today so expect torid tales from the
galley tomorrow ? Im not sure how I will beet the bacon butties , and as no fish
have appered from the ocean yet it will be a delve into the deep freeze for
todays fair .
Finaly a mention for Keith a X9 freind of Phil
(Dark lord ) Malhuish yes Phil did send the request .
Veg man and crew