Tales of the expected
Chris & Lyn Darch
Thu 21 Jan 2010 01:25
Hi Folks,
Let the story contine , after a few snifters on new
years eve we came up with the idea of a curry to start off the celibrations,
down town Rota vagus was humming, we adventualy found a curry house, very posh
with knapkins and knifes and forks, a very helpful waiter to, scaning the menu
Rob discovered that Vindaloo was on the list and oppted for that, the waiter
seemed to smile even more after taking the order, anyway he was disapointed as
Rob downed it in a oner, my constitution after being raped by the colon cleaner
wasnt up to it so I opted for the healthy one a vegie curry, I did taste Robs
dish and it confirmed my fears of another Naggas , close one that time, the
girls had mild dishes also, and another handful of drinks later we stumbled out
to the lake front were we heard that a free concert was going on , we werent
disapoined either it was a cracking band called the "Lady Killers" and boy could
they bang it out everything from rock to soul, so that was us , standing by a
beutiful lake , being cerinaded into the new year, at midnight the band blasted
out Queens "Bohemian Rapsaday " as the fire works cascaded over the lake,
what a way to start the new year, though I did balk at the Idea the band had of
Hugging your neighbour , Lyn and Sharon were the prefered option as the very
large polyanisian gentelmen alongside of me would have crushed all of my "Colon
juice" right out of me ...
By the time we walked home we were sober, and
called it a day on the drinks front to , with the luge ( The kiwi version ) to
come later that day we went to bed in anticipation .
After a good cooked breakfast, we set off to the
foothills to view the days chalenge, the girls decided to view Rob and Myself
fron the shaded ares of the hill top restaurant, whilst we had other intentions
fof throwing ourselves down a concrete track loosly based on a down hill tobogan
run in a plastic three wheeled bob slege, it was akined to realy driving a
Reliant Robin down a mountain, clad in gloves jeans and as much anti chaff gear
we could put on on a hot sunny day we proceded to have a great time, we
staired at the tourist we ripped through on our way down in there shorts and
jangles ( a Kiwiflip flop ) the though makes me cringe as a slight error means
using ones body as a brake on a 40 grit surface, the skin dosnt last long
and mainly relies on the hard bone content of the body to abrade you to a halt
After hat seemed hrs of fun we retired to the cool
shade , ate ice cream and remanised about our down hill adventures, the girls
just lisened, probably bored witless by our babbling .
A much calmer night was had on the drinks front as
the next day we had a seven hr journeyvto the Bay of Islands, via the
supermarket in Auckland, and the puzzel of how to get more boxes in the car , as
it turns out we did, with Lyn and Sharon tightly packed in between boxes of
food, as you couldnt move in the vehical it was probable the safest journey
going, as nothing at all could be dislodged by the impack of a kiwi nipper
driving his Subaru at breakneck speed into us, it a phonomon here, if your
sixteen with an L plate you are licenced to kill ... ie you can drive a 300 hp
22nd hand Subaru Impretza WRX with no insurance , wonder why the death rates on
the roads are 40 % under 20,s ...
We arrived after a long haul at our destination
Opua Marina F27 at six o/c and readyed ourselves for the next episode
The sardines of Opua ..