The Fable of the Gen set
Chris & Lyn Darch
Wed 30 Jan 2008 23:39
Jan 30th 2008
"The Fable of the Gen Set"
Hi Folks,
Yes we are still alive and in Martinique, and have
finally got the generator man onboard two weeks after the initial contact, after
a few grumbles and groans he emerged from the aft compartment with a piece
of electrical junk that resembled a starter on a strip light , it was on its way
out and has improved the output by a small amount, he left scratching his head
and said he would be back tomorrow , but as tomorrow never comes he never either
! so I am back on the hunt for him again !
Lyn has progressed well with the colan
varnish , all of our flaking varnish has now been replaced by a brand new shinny
coat of something we hope will last longer than the last product , so far the
cockpit has stood up to four lumps and "Washboards" , the cactus Isle,
Madeira , Northern Spain and now the Carab very well , so Lyn is pushing on to
get as many coats as possible prior to departure to Panama and beyond , a true
test of the product , if it still shinny when we get to NZ we will be happy
Sad news about Lyns nick name ( Captain
Fluffy ) it has been discontinued since my sister informed me that a
"Fluffer" was a person or persons on a porn film set who kept the male
member erect in between scenes ! this came a a shock we all had a good laugh and
am now in the process of finding another nick name for her , so please send in
your entries , offer ends Feb 28th and a grand ceremony will be held in the
renaming .
Other news , the new bowsprit should be
ready at the end of this week along with the delivery of the genicker
roller gear from France, once I have my hands on it we will try it
out should be fun .
We have commenced getting stores onboard in
prep for our trip to Panama , this should take about 8 to 10 days depending on
the wind we are hoping to meet up with Ike,Becky and Dan who we last saw
departing down the Hamble in Oct 2006 , should be a great re-union as we
are running a year late, but thanks to the NZ visa department we have
plenty of time to get there as they have only just opened the packet after it
being sent to NZ and having sat on the shelf for a year , then decided it
should go to London to be processed , we are eternally thankful to them as it
means we wont have to leave the boat in the Carab , if they issued them tomorrow
we would have a year to get there and as we will be there in Oct - Nov of this
year 2008 we will still have a few months to spare .
To all the folks who have visited us here ,
the rum has stopped , we are having a week off of it , service shall be resumed
as soon as possible .
Roger and Margaret please send your visitors
book entry, its the only one missing ! ! !
That's all folks ,
Partially dried out