More O'dore Colon

Chris & Lyn Darch
Sun 13 Apr 2008 11:42
More O'dure Colon
Hi Folks,
Well another night of smog , the wind died about two in the morning and the stench returned to the anchorage so it was time to batten down the hatches and sweat it out for another night , by daylight the wind had picked up again and cleared the anchorage of the acrid pong , you couldn't see more that 200m at one point, its no wonder the locals are so pissed with the world if they have to endure this every time the wind drops .
 Anyway we began the food shop for the Pacific yesterday and filled the Z boat with loads of tins , a good place to stock up as there is plenty of choice in the American style supermarkets plus it is a dam sight cheaper that the European end .
 Went to start the engine today to pump out the dreaded gray tank , wouldn't start ! used the crossover switch and started all ok , after myself and Rob had spent a good few hrs looking into it , first the alternator , then the fuses , we came to the conclusion it was one of the engine start batteries that had gone down , so Monday we will be on the hunt for a new set of engine start batteries , along with clearing out for Balboa , collecting lines , and getting ready to go on the first transit with Ike that evening , we will bus back the next day and transit that night to the other side .
 There are a lot of yachts arriving now as this will be peak season , the transit dates are out to six and seven weeks on arrival so they wont be getting much time in the Pacific ! but lots of time in Panama !!!! O what a lovely thought .. not .
The Smelly crew of Zephlapod