Two heads are better than One

Chris & Lyn Darch
Mon 24 Mar 2008 14:35
Two heads are better than one !
Date 24.03.08
Hi Folks,
I bet your all having a typical Easter Monday in
the UK huddled either on a campsite hiding from wind and rain or around a large
blazing fire in the pub , we on the other hand to make do with 30 deg C and
attempting to stay cool !
The topic of the day here is planning
for our imminent departure from Panama in Three weeks and a days time, it
is unclear as to how we enter the Galapagos as no clear guidance from either JC
( Jim Cornell ) yachting guru ! or the people who actually make the entry
laws the Ecuadorian authorities ! it will probably be a case of suck it and pay
, if its anything like the big "P" there will much paperwork , more
diminished rain forests and mucho payment of US dollars!
We are planning a trip to Panama city this
week on Ikes return from his canal transit with his jolly German pals , he left
last night and should return if the alligators in Gratin lake allow it, legend
has it that they are up to five metres long , so no hull cleaning on our
overnight stop ... the procedure at the moment seems to be that you pick the
pilot up from our anchorage at between 1600 and 1800 then proceed into the locks
behind a smaller ship , you then are locked up to Guatan Lake were you anchor
overnight then transit and lock down the next day into the Pacific side , back
to tide tables as the tide range on the otherside is the same as the Solent
The alligators in the lake are probable
preferable to the ones here with two legs , an interesting sit to visit is the
Foreign Office web site , go to Panama and have a read it very interesting
I'm now contemplating my game of uno
tonight.As an erudite exponent of uno I just don't know what's
going wrong. I moved seat last time and my bad luck followed me around I
now think it might be an over shuffling of the cards as I'm the only one who
does it properly, Happy Rob is in the lead , with Bucky Balls in second place
followed me and then the current champ Ex Smoggy we are wondering why
after the trouncing we got last time by here devious use of here clinical psycho
opps methods of play .
I think we have all been analysed , and
assessed and been lulled into a false sense of security and she appears to
extemporise at will so should romp home at the last moment
denying Rob of his victory but producing a lower lip like a garden
wheel barrow , they all say I sulk after I loose , it a ruse to impair my
playing skills , I suspect that Bucky Balls and Smoggy are still in cahoots as
there seems to be telepathic transmissions across the table / or under and they
keep dumping plus fours on me all the time ! that's not trousers but a card
Well that all from Alcatraze , Clint Eastwood had a
Canary we have just got Vultures ..
The Crew