Midd Festive Break

Chris & Lyn Darch
Mon 29 Dec 2008 18:07
Hi Folks,
After the high drama of Christmas, a round of festive cheer that went on for three days we were all glad to have the Sunday off, stuffing ourselves with copious amounts of steak and bubbly is good for the waist line at all, the forty days and nights of fasting will be happening after the New Year bash.
We are back on the housing trail as Lyn has picked up another property mag previously uncovered ... things here are quiet as the main the;days have commenced in NZ and the whole place just ticks over , we are in need of a drain man as our grey water started seeping out onto the drive over the festive period, not a good time to find the drain man, as I discovered all the drains here are buried, no access pits, to rod out ! they have some funny none return valve called a buchan which was a great idea at the time some 50 years ago but po pooed from a great height now, as soon as you mention it the drain guys pause and sigh which usually means lots of wonga .. the buggers have buried ours under 6 inches of concrete.....
 The even funnier thing is that Gail's place has a sub division on the back, i.e.
all building plots here in the 1930's were a set size, this by today's standards is rather large approx 2000 msq , so in the 70's lots of houses sold off there back gardens for further development, the one behind us has the original owner of the front house in it, her sons who are in the "trade"
Billy and bodge, as we have found out over the years of renovation here, were in and declined to comment when I asked them about the drains, it no wonder now all drainage has to be done by government approved companies .
Good news "Rhythm" has arrived after a long spell in the wilderness ! Ike called yesterday and let us know they had made it here, he is last of the class of 08 to arrive, everyone who know them was getting concerned as the Cyclone season is in full swing now, not a place to be caught out in when
one of those buggers blows through .
Wishing you all out there a wonderful New Year ...
Lyn and Chris