Life in the tumble dryer

Chris & Lyn Darch
Mon 15 Sep 2008 20:47
Hello All,
With dark skys,lashing rain and higher than usual
winds we entered our first full day at sea, squally conditions persisted
throughout the day with on/off rain, as we have no gen set we are having to run
the main engine to generate power so very convenient as it acts as a great
big tumble dryer and it is extremely pleasing to climb into dry foul
weather gear at the beginning of the watch, but only for two hrs at a time
Last night things lightened up and the moon
was shinning like the mid day sun, clouds gone it made a pleasant change and
back to the norm for us, the weather though looks like it will be a mixed bag on
this trip so its shorts and wellys I guess .
The twin head are doing well though the one
thing about the gusts is that hull speed is up into the 10 knt area which
reminds us of the Atlantic crossing, a bit of maintenance req. today as a few
annoying squeaks have emerged and they need to be adjusted as the long term
effect whilst careering along at 8 to 9 knots will adventualy lead to breakage
after a number of days.
On the cooking front .. well I was excused chefs
duties and Cpt Fluffy stood ion for me, the thought of trying to stand in the
galley with the safety strap on grinding on my ribs didn't appeal to me so I am
now the official dryer upper , just call me Mrs Mop ...
CPU Fluffy produced home made Lasagne for the
evening meal which was stowed away pretty quickly, and everybody who wasnt on
watch headed for there bunks as the first few days at sea always seem to be
restless whilst adjusting to the rock and roll/odd hours routines .
Anyway think of me whilst you dine on you Chinese
take away spare ribs in Barbie sauce .. Ill be having mine liberally laced
with a paracetamol and Ibrofarin !
The wind swept