Day one Nuka Hiva to Tuamotos

Chris & Lyn Darch
Thu 10 Jul 2008 19:03
Day One
After a hard nights entertaining we arose to a
blustery sunrise , stowed the last minute things and set off towards the
Tuamotos, Lyn has pre-made a lot of the meals so being mother for the day will
be a doodle , we are bound for Rangiroa it is approx. 600 nm away from the
Marquises and is a totally different scene altogether , I suspect we will be
encountering the tourists again as it looks to be quite populated after the past
three weeks it will be strange to be in contact again with humanity on a large
scale .
It should take us approximately four days to
get there at our current speed of 6.5 knots , we will have to time our arrival
as the entrances into the lagoons are very tidal and entrance at slack water is
The crew are all getting back into routine again ,
paperbacks at the ready with a new batch swapped in the Marquises we should have
enough to reach Tonga ! except for Ruth that is who reads a book a day
No scandal has arisen yet but give it time , when
we get to a decent internet link we have a poster made by Rhythm which I'm sure
you will all sea the funny side of its a few photos put together with captions,
I am the main subject !
The Tuamotoes bound crew