Rum Punches and rain

Chris & Lyn Darch
Sun 16 Dec 2007 11:14
Hi Everybody,
Well its sunrise here , crew asleep like little
babes in there pits , I on the other hand have just looked in the veg locker ,
its full no room for me , our location is as you can see on Google earth about
500m from the shore , it doesn't show the supermarket , that's the bonus its the
best location we have anchored for a long time , it even has its own dingy dock
so we just poodle in tie up and shop ! it better than the trudge down to Tescos
plus we get sun and rain , I have taken to showering outside in the Squalls ,
Roger has also , all you need is you shower gel and loafer , stand get pressure
washed for 3 mins soap up and allow nature to do the rest .
Today is Sunday so we are all off to church !
well at least Graeme and Lady Di are , they are the forward shore party looking
for entertainment and eating houses , now we have repaired the dingy
It was another lazy day yesterday , the
dingy had to be repaired , whilst this was happening a French boat started
dragging its anchor it past us and was heading off to the sand bar which is
about 800m away , it is down wind from the NE winds that blow here constantly
,as we looked over we saw a 10 year old girl by the bow , no sign of any
adults , we radioed the harbour master , no joy , as our boat was having a
patch stuck on it we could not assist , we shouted to a boat nearby who had been
shouting over to the girl we could no make out why he didn't assist as he had
his inflatable in the water ,adventualy he go in it went over and then
drove off to the shore , meanwhile the boat was still drifting to the sand bar ,
Bollix to this we thought , down to the fwd bilge to dig out the fortress anchor
,threw the Z boat over the side , engine on , anchor in with warp and chain ,
and off to the drifting boat .
On arrival the little girl was almost in tears as I
think she new what was happening , Roger released about another 10m of chain ,
then the grandparents pitched up , nobody spoke English so our poor French
had to do , we left and they picked up there anchor and dissapered in
embarrassment we think further inshore, anyway it was back to the boat , haul
her out again and carry on with the repair .
Roger and Greame continued with the sextant
practice .. or at least thats what they said ! Lyn has started
scrubing the gally out , I finished the log 2860 miles it worked out we had
traveled from the Cactus Island .
That all folks for now will keep you updated on our
2nd Skipper , and Orphan of the veg