Wet Wet Wet

Chris & Lyn Darch
Tue 23 Sep 2008 00:24
Oh so lucky,
A good night of wind,rain and the occasional
lightning flash, canvassed down to the third reef and part staysail we made
steady progress towards Tonga with 3m confused seas lapping at all of Zephyrs
quarters , in the cockpit the wind blew the rain right up our rear so there was
no hiding behind spray hoods , the slow down is due to the fact that we
don't want to arrive at midnight, we need daylight to enter the fjord
South Pacific style , and the only hurricane hole
in the South Pacific worth any mention is through a narrow entrance called
Galloway narrows .
Its a bought time our luck ran out with the
weather as we have had dream conditions until now, hope this weather does
not persist when Gail,Devyn and the Wellington posse arrive in Tonga we don't
want another Boras Bora experience ...
I'm the chef today so it submarine cooking fare
none of this TV chef bollards just a big pot on the stove and keep it bubbling
its called pot mess and anything goes it for breakfast lunch and supper ..
brings back memories of the good old days ... start with the corned
dog,followed by a tin of tomatoes, rice , spaghetti chilli and anything
else that comes near to grasping in the cupboard yummy yummy , I did draw the
line at the anchovy sauce , the pickled eggs and the dill , so get your lips
around this Nigela its the hottest pot in town.
Jamie, Gary and Tony Worral
Tompson if your reading this it a bonus,its cooking at its
finest I think ... but Rick would be proud of me because I put some
tinned crab in just for that real seaside feel.
An anticipant crew ..with brown bags for afters ..
There all asking if we can have a take out
tonight !