Return to St Vincent and the Grenadines

Karma Daze
Chris and Penny Manley
Mon 20 May 2013 19:41
“13:00N 061:14W”
We left the careenage in Bridgetown at 10.30 on Wednesday 15th May.  We had arranged the day before for this opening time.  We sailed up to Gibbs bay and put an anchor in.  We wanted to check the weed growth on the bottom of boat prior to setting off for the night sail to Bequia.  The growth was a bit along the water line which Chris scrapped off.
We left the anchorage at 16.00 for the 100+ miles sail.  As ever the wind was not quite as we would have liked and the sea was quite rolly, but we headed towards the north of St Vincent until 05.00 and then gybed to head down to Bequia.  We had to motor for a short way and were tied up to a buoy in Admiralty bay by 11.30.  We had called on the boat boys _African – to pick up one of his buoys and he came out to meet us.  The other reliable boat boy is Phat Shag but we can’t bring ourselves to call him on the radio!
We checked in here and spent 2 nights.  There are relatively few boats in here and some of the bars and restaurants are closed or only partially open.  On Friday we went to Fish Friday at The Fig Tree Restaurant to sample local fish (species unknown) and conch (very chewy).