Sunday, 10th April, 2016

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Sun 10 Apr 2016 14:27
Rodney Bay St Lucia
Distance run to Marigot Bay: 60 miles
On April 2nd we set sail at the crack of dawn for Marigot Bay in St Lucia, the last official rendezvous before Rodney Bay in St Lucia, where we started on January 10th, 2015. The idea of getting together in Marigot Bay was to organise a sail parade for April 9th with all our decorative international code flags up via Castries to Rodney Bay. The fleet of 14 boats was led by Luna Quest, the smallest boat, in reverse order of size. The last boat was a 64-ft Amel, owned by Germans, but flying the red ensign.
Once in Rodney Bay at around noon, a reception had been organised on the pontoon with live percussion music, where copious amounts of rhum were freely dispensed with plenty of nibbles. A prize-giving dinner was provided at the Royal St Lucian Hotel, where each boat had a prize for completing the circumnavigation including a certificate to certify the achievement. The dinner marked the end of the Rally with each boat having different plans for the future. Some are sailing back with ARC Europe, others are sailing up the eastern American coast or staying a while in the Caribbean. We are sailing up to Antigua to have the boat shipped home to Southampton. Julia will fly home to England from Antigua to attend to pressing family circumstances, while I will stay with Luna Quest to see it loaded onto the Transporter with Peters & May.