Monday, 5th October, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Mon 5 Oct 2015 08:54
Daily run: 184 logged miles
The big swell from the Southwest has gone, the squalls have gone, the sun is out and the swell from the Southeast now dominates. The wind has moderated to a fresh breeze and this morning I took all the reefs out and poled out the genoa to port. The motion of the boat is much friendlier and Julia baked some bread this morning. She also made some Danish pastry, which, unfortunately, when checking it, bulleted out of the oven upside down in pieces all over the floor of the boat. We had it soon cleared up, however, either by eating it off the floor or by returning it to the oven upside down and having it for lunch, but none was wasted and it tasted deliciously.