Friday, 2nd October, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Fri 2 Oct 2015 07:40
Noon Position: 13.44S 87.15E

Daily run: 155 logged miles

LUNA QUEST really comes into her own when we have a strong breeze and a boisterous sea. Yesterday, we flapped about, sails banging, but failing to make much progress with any direction or determination. We became quite dispirited, but last night the wind rose steadily from the Southeast to give us a fresh breeze overnight. Today she is loving the strong breeze and so are we.

The 4-mtr southwesterly swell that was forecast for today to Sunday has been overtaken by the stronger southeasterly swell and waves. The seas are therefore quite rough with breakers everywhere. We daren’t open any of the windows or hatches as rogue waves from time to time slew the boat round sending big seas over the deck. It is therefore quite close below decks. The barometer has been rising over the last few days giving us potentially lighter winds.
