Wednesday, 18th March, 2015
Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Wed 18 Mar 2015 21:25
Daily run: 121 miles
The winds became very light towards morning and could no longer keep the mainsail or genoa filled against the counter roll from a passing wave. It was painful to hear the suffering of the sails and we decided, therefore, that it was parasailor time. The parasailor brings its own problems and it is no light decision to use it instead of the conventional goose winged rig. After the roll call at 11am we set about preparing the deployment of the parasailor, the biggest sail on board. After 2.5 hours of struggling and Julia keeping LUNA QUEST headed down wind, we managed to get it up and unfurl from its sock. What a wonderful change to feel the boat accelerating as the sail catches the wind. However, the Hydrovane cannot manage the power of the parasailor and to get the best out of the sail, we have to hand steer…