Monday, 9th November, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Mon 9 Nov 2015 10:33
Daily run: 150 logged miles
The breeze has gone down to 10 knots, but we are making an incredible 7 knots of speed aided by a 3-knot current from the Northeast, no doubt in readiness to join up with the dreaded Algulhas current that we have to cross tonight. The Algulhas current can be quite fast in places, but we are expecting around 2.5kn to 3kn over a 50 mile wide stretch. We are aiming our course to steer well north of Richards Bay to account for its southerly stream. The weather is absolutely fabulous with a cloudless sky and a gentle breeze. Unfortunately, there is hardly any discernible moon for tonight. Maybe the stars will help us find our way across to the African continent…