Thursday, 4th February, 2016

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Thu 4 Feb 2016 15:26
Daily run: 141 logged miles
Our hopes of a gentle sail yesterday were soon dashed with the wind dwindling to less than a light breeze. There was nothing for it but to put the engine on and having taken stock of the amount of fuel we had left, we were confident that we could motor the 380 miles remaining. We left the the two poled-out foresails out and with just 1400 revs we were making 5.5 knots of speed, which is the speed required to make landfall during the day on Saturday. Allegro, who had been some 12 miles behind us, caught up and we motor sailed in tandem throughout the night, but in the morning they overtook us and disappeared beyond the horizon at about midday. We are now the last boat home…