Monday, 12th October, 2015

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Mon 12 Oct 2015 07:10
Daily run: 161 logged miles
The seas are big and rough. The waves follow in quick succession. Some threaten to poop the boat, but none have managed so far. Luna Quest lifts her bottom to them and lets any breaking sea rumble underneath her. The decks are dry. The tow rope of the aqua generator keeps flipping out of the water once a wave has passed and then spins in the opposite direction. One rope has been rendered useless as a result. It has been badly mangled and the nylon eyes at both ends are severely warped. We are using a different rope now where Julia has whipped an excellent eye to one end. The other end already had an eye and looked reasonably secure. We live in fading hopes to have our Ampair generator repaired in Mauritius and wish we could say that the people we rely on in Mauritius to organise replacement parts are doing their best to be helpful.
Although the wind is forecast to drop to around 15 knots as we come nearer to Mauritius tomorrow, we are still hoping to make landfall in the evening. We are running goose-winged with the genoa poled out to port and the mainsail to starboard. Several ships passed us in the night and this morning. Julia has been making bread. It is always such a treat to have fresh bread.