Madeira to Tenerife

Luna Quest
W. Eric Faber
Sun 25 Aug 2013 09:58
> Position: 100 miles north of Tenerife (Canary Islands)
> Distance run from Funchal (Madeira): 165 miles
> Having had a weather forecast of lighter winds on Sunday and Monday, I set off from Funchal at 08.30hrs Saturday morning in a strong F6 touching F7 from the North East. The winds never eased below 20 knots and throughout the day and night I experienced blustery conditions. I had 3 reefs in the main sail and a couple of rolls in the genoa, but the speed was often over 8 knots. The sun alternated with light showers and the horizon was decorated with line squalls. Saturday night was pretty boisterous and being alert to any changes in wind strength and direction, sleep was difficult to come by, not helped by the occasional gunshot from the genoa when it was given a full burst of wind after Luna Quest had careered off an excessively large wave that forced her off course.
> It is now half past 10 Sunday morning and the winds have eased to 17 knots. I am hoping for less wind still as Luna Quest's current speed of 6 knots is too fast to get me to Tenerife in the light of day, Monday morning. I am hoping to make Darsena Pesquera, where I shall have Luna Quest hauled out of the water, put in a cradle and made ready for re-launch in January when I return to Tenerife to cross the Atlantic to the Caribbean. This email is therefore the last sent from sea for 2013.
> See you all when I am home again a a few weeks' time.
> Eric